For me Photography is a way to discover the world around me . It gives me the opportunity to explore my curiosity to remote, places and special ways of living.
The search for special ways of living has led to many encounters with extraordinary places, inspiring and colorful people from diverse cultures. The respect and warmth I felt are often unique and enriching life.

As a photographer I started with film to extend the possibilities of my work,
Today i use film next to photography in more and more projects.
I see myself not as a cameraman but a photographer that also explores the possibility of film. The SLR digital cameras have great film opportunities and it’s great to experiment and to see the technology develop.

Every adventure is a new experience, a new way of looking at things, for me is following your hart and passion the best way to celebrate life itself. Go on an adventure with your best friends and get in moments of hard times will bring you closer to yourself and your buddies. This way people will get the best out of each other and make life beautiful.
Through the years you come in contact with all kinds of people

Tears of the moon
The sum of my thesis on the fishing of one of the most expensive pearls out there on the market. it’s a visual journey into the world of pearl fishing.
150 pages of beautiful pictures.